
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Confession/concept of being grateful and redha

Some days, I feel unhappy and some days, I feel on top of the world. I have to admit, sometimes no matter how much you try to be grateful you will always feel that some other person has better things than you do. No matter how capable your parents are, does not matter that they have provided for your food and education, you will always have friends with parents that can give more. Some one else will always have more, be it, beauty, intelligence or even money. Sometimes, yes I am guilty of thinking that hey, she has this and that, wow, his/her life must be really easy.

 I mean how can you not think of that when all you see on instagram is that they have the capacity to travel all around the world with their family while you have to work from 5am-3pm to save up for the next semester for your university life. You may even play victim in your life and this is sooo dangerous.

I avoid feeling like this, and I always tell myself that Allah gives everyone struggles, maybe that person is capable of buying 10 houses, but do you know her/his struggle with work or family or even their love life? You don't. Everyone has personal struggles, you just dont see it. At the end of the day, you only will see the surface of their life. Well, the ones they choose to inform you via pictures or tweet. Instead of feeling victimized by your situation, theres another solution. Be grateful for everything, that includes your mishaps, and everything good in life.

That is another concept of seeing gratitude, yes? I came across this, once.
Why should I be grateful for my results? If I do that, I wouldn't have to work hard anymore, because you know I would just be complacent with what I have

Try seeing it this way.

I am grateful for having this bad feeling of not getting into deans list, because I know that I have to work harder in the next semester

There you see, there is a concept of redha and wanting to be better.

So I guess that's all. Goodbye and Salam Aidilfitri everyone.