
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Because you're worth it

Hi guys!
Okay so for the past few months I have been dealing with self doubts. I was unhappy with my body,how I look just everything! I used to like a guy I thought he liked me but I found out he's just a really sweet guy seeking out for attention. In other word he's a player. So anyway. I had the BIGGEST breakdown ever! Some days I didnt want to eat. Other days I eat too much. It really depends on my mood. One day I thought "Okay I need to settle this,it has been bugging me for months and I cant live like this anymore" So yeah I talked to my family and friends about it. And I prayed a lot too! So I found out that my main problem was that I didnt have self respect towards myself. Okay so my main objective today is to help YOU gain self respect for yourself. So im giving out tips that has helped me.

1)You are the CEO of your own life
You need to always keep that in mind.YOU need to take charge of your own life. If you dont like something about yourself or the situation you are in. You need to get yourself out of it. This may sound scary to you but you will lose a lot of friends but its okay. When you get rid of the negative people in your life. Automatically the positive ones will appear in your life. Thats just how the universe works. Okay? :)

2)Exercise and eat healthy
I cannot stress more about this. You see I was afraid of people calling me health freak or whatever. Just because I dont eat the food that they eat it doesnt mean anything. If your friends say mean things about it. Guess what? You are doing it for YOURSELF. In the end you are in control of your own life. Eating healthy will make you feel good about yourself. From what I observed beautiful girls even models for example,Miranda Kerr. She reallyyy takes care of her diet. So if you want to be having great skin and body like hers. You need to change your lifestyle. Pronto.

3)Happiness is a choice!
You probably have heard this before. Dont rely on someone for your own happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. And here's a tip never date a guy who dates you for your body. Trust me you will end up getting hurt. So thats all for now. But I promise you ill be back for more!

Stay tuned
Have a beautiful day. :)