
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Sometimes its normal to encounter sadness inside you.

For the past few months I have been feeling like there is a big dark hole on my heart. In another word I feel useless and helpless. That explains to you why I write so many sad things on my blog. But oh well,life goes on right? I know that no one except for Allah can heal me but im positive that this is just one of the trials that He is giving to me. So fear not,if Allah is by your side you are never lost. So lets make doa for our brothers and sisters. You know its easy to turn to music or to find a partner but I have learnt that none of those worked for me. Well it does but its just temporary.

Its like putting a plaster on your broken heart its temporary 'happiness' but the pain doesnt go away.

The solution?

Turn to Allah,talk to Him. He listens and He is the most Merciful. InsyaAllah we would become happier muslims! :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Naive or desperate?

Hi hey hello

Okay so today im going to talk about an incident that happened and still is happening right now. Okay I know im in the middle of my exam but I just feel the need to blog about this. Back to the topic,I do not understand how in the world did most of my friends fell for him. Obviously we know that he does not care. Im talking about this particular friend after watching her and listening to her stories. I feel really sorry for her. Not just her actually them. Yes them. They all fell for the same guy and they are all miserable because of him. I just get annoyed really when all they talk about is him. Seriously!? I seriously feel like slapping all of them and I feel like shooting him for making all my friends feel this way. Its not cool when all your friends are talking about this particular boy all the time. Im not just talking about my bestfriends but all!! Ugh love is supposed to give you inspiration. This jerk does not even care about you. Heck he is still figuring himself out. If you my friend are looking for someone to fill the emptiness inside you. That is NOT love. I repeat that is not! It means that you have a low self esteem and you need to figure yourself out and you need to love yourself first. When you dont love yourself thats when you 'terhegeh hegeh' want other people to love you. Think about it if you dont love yourself why would other people love you? Am I right? Okay back to this guy,the worst thing is he is my friend. Ohmygoodness,if I could atleast slap him I would. But no,since there really is nothing that I could hence im writing about it here. Advice pun dah everything else pun dah. You dont want to listen to it and want your life to be miserable then go ahead. Usually I would just ignore these petty things but  I mean come on when everyone(my friends atleast) is talking about a guy every single day atleast for about 1 minute wont YOU get annoyed? I am!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Why do we do that?

Everyone is facing their own struggles. My struggle? To wear a hijab. I was informed that you must first 'hijab' your heart before anything else. I'm learning everyday and I pray to Allah that one day he might just give me the strenght. Its not easy my friends,especially when you have these thoughts inside that are pulling you down. You feel your heart is trying to tell you to do the good things but in your mind ya Allah you just cant stop thinking about 'the people'

What would the people think of me
What would my friends say
Would I get accepted
How do I explain to them

Its funny how we only think about what 'the people' think of us and not the One who created us. Its time that we change our thinking. Why do we do all the things that we do? I think its really important to know the purpose of everything that you do. For example,what is the purpose of your life? Why do you live? Is it just to please others? Is it just to get married and settle down with 7 children? Do you want to be a famous singer and then inspire others? Ask yourself. And then what? What is after that? Whats after getting married? What is after having a successful career? What is after getting known by others? 

They say when you don't ask you don't learn. 

Start asking. Don't be shy. There is no such thing as stupid questions just stupid answers

Friday, November 2, 2012

Wise words

In life you can always retake your exam. When you fail a paper you can always sit for another paper next semester but you cannot retake your exam of the akhirat.