
Friday, April 26, 2013


This is what happens when you drink coffee at night. Smart move Miza. Oh well. 

First of all I would like to advise all you girls out there to be extra careful. Please im begging you. A few days ago,a dear friend of mine witnessed her mother being stabbed infront of her. Somehow deep inside I know that justice will be served.

Moving forward to what I did today,

I had a day off and knowing myself,I can never stand staying at home alone doing nothing. Since I had nothing else to do,I decided hey why not go to the mall? I called almost everyone but everyone was busy. Soooo I decided to go alone. Mind you this is my first time actually going to a mall alone. Sad? Haha maybe. But I did! I wanted to watch GI joe so badly so I bought myself a ticket. Bought some books and shopped the entire day. To my surprise I actually enjoyed it. Maybe it is true,you dont need anyone to be happy. You just need to be happy with yourself. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

I ran my first marathon

Hi guys! I survived my first marathon!! (which I forgot to train for) But.... I managed to get into top 50. Truth be told I dont think I would be able to finish the race without the sisters who ran with me. Seriously I am overwhelmed and excited with so many supportive sisters I met throughout the race. Whenever I stopped someone behind me would encourage me to continue running. And when someone else stop I would continue cheering for THEM. On top of that,I got the chance to run with the first woman EVER to run a marathon. She too,was really really supportive. If im not mistaken her name is Kristine. She was the first woman to run the Boston marathon.

One lesson learnt: Keep moving forward and never give up even if you feel like you cant do it. I didnt want to run this race because I thought I was not fit enough and I would die if I run a 9km route,but hey. I signed up for it. If I believed i could do it when I signed up for it then im going to finish strong.

Here are some pictures from yesterday's marathon! 

The 'heart' man! Hahaha.

My sister managed to convince her bestfriends to join the marathon. Ex Sri Amanians.Wohoo we rock!

The goodie bag!

And a little note I made for my sister!

Now I cant wait to get back into training. I think we should try 21km next time. Should we? ;) 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Good enough

“It is the moment I began to learn that there are people who deserve, and people who do not — and that it has nothing to do with some arbitrary concept of leagues. You do not deserve me because you are not a caring, loving person. You are not here to receive love, or grow from it, or give it in kind. You do not deserve me because I am beautiful in a way that a magazine would never photoshop and put on its cover. I am beautiful in the real way, the way that comes from being a person who is capable of empathy and compromise. I am beautiful because I work hard to be nice to other people, and to show them I love them. And sure, you may be good looking. You may be charming. You may have every superficial quality that our society is so quick to deem important. But you are not beautiful, and for that, you will never be deserving of someone like me.”

I found that on tumblr,and I thought i'd share it with you guys because I think its just amazing. You are good enough.