
Friday, February 20, 2015


Rule number one in life: Everything is your fault. Yes, that includes the cat that 'ate' your homework. The sooner you take responsibility for the downfalls in your life. The easier your life would be. The easier it is for you to take ownership for the successes that happened in your life. Dont get me wrong, my definition of everything includes both,the mishaps and also the rainbows or sunshines that had happened in your life. Easier said than done. 

The easiest example I can give to you, if you have the attitude that screams 'my parents are not working hard enough to buy me this and that'. When you start taking responsibility, your attitude will change from 'my parents owe me this' to 'it's my fault, i am asking too much and giving too little. I should work/ study harder. Perhaps I could work around to earn the money I need for the vacation I planned with X and Z'

You see in life, no one owes you anything.

Second scenario, might be 'my boyfriend is so boring, he never takes me out for cool dates anymore', when you start taking responsibility for your life. Your attitude will change into 'hey maybe it's my fault too, I never contribute anything. Maybe he's out of ideas and maybe he wants something in return. Relationship is about give and take right? I should start making plans to make our dates more fun and exciting'

You see, your partner does not owe you anything. If you want a happy and fulfilling relationship, then make an initiative to change your current relationship.

You may not realize that you have been doing this 'pointing finger' game. The moment you begin taking ownership for your life. The easier it is. Why? Because you no longer depend on anyone. You dont have to wait for X and Z to change so your life would be more colorful. The cold hard truth is that, whatever happens in your life, is your own responsibility. No one should be blamed, for the bad grades you earned except for you. But the silver lining in this is that, it shows how powerful you are as a human being. You can change your life. That begins once you change your attitude towards the world.